The Belt bag is one trend I absolutely adore it. I purchased an affordable belt bags from Topshop to test the trend. I love how it frees both my hands and shoulder from carrying the heavy bags. Then I got my second one from & Other Stories. It’s a better quality bag with nice leather and cool chain details at the front. I use them a lot for different occasions and always get compliments from strangers. Both of them are on the smaller side, their measurement are about 8.5” x4.7”x2” , which can’t hold a lot of stuff. When I saw Fendi’s Mania logo belt bag , it’s love at first sight. Not only can the coated fabric stand for the test of bad weather for days, but the size is definitely a big plus. It Measures at 11’x 7”x3”, it can hold my iphone6 plus, my small camera and passport. The signature Fendi brown logo print is so versatile and goes with everything. Here I styled it with a sweater, mini skirt and boots, and layered it with one of my favorite trenches. I also styled it with my denim look and it looks just as chic as the first polished looks too. It’s definitely the accessory that pulls everything together. This bag has been in such a popular demand and it was sold out twice at forward by Else Walker’s website. It will never go on sale so why not grab it now to enjoy it? Think about “cost per wear” and you will be so happy to purchase this designer piece that will pass on for generations.
My “test drive” affordable belt bag. It only costs $40. On Sale now for $20.
This one is $79 and has an chic chain details at the front.
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